
小鱼's Blog

Ubuntu Disk Mounting

1. View the connected disks#

sudo fdisk -l

Find the mounted disk


2. Partition#

sudo fdisk /dev/sdc
image2a87935b39afc4dc.png image1fccd5d2fd3ddd68.png

Check if the partition is created

sudo fdisk -l

3. Format the disk as ext4#


Check the disk partition

sudo lsblk

4. Mount#

Create a new directory and mount the new partition

1) Create a new temporary directory#

sudo mkdir /mnt/newpart

2) Mount the new partition to the directory#

sudo mount /dev/sdc  /mnt/newpart

3) If you want to mount it under the /home directory#

Go to the home directory and move the files to the temporary directory

cd /home
sudo cp -ax * /mnt/newpart

4) Rename the original home directory and create a new home directory#

mv /home /home.old
mkdir /home

5) Remount the disk to the home directory#

Mount to the home directory

sudo mount /dev/sdc /home

Check the disk mounting status

df /home

6) Set automatic mounting on startup#

Modify /etc/fstab

vi /etc/fstab

If not modified, it will still need to be remounted on the next startup.

Two methods to add mount partitions, the second method is recommended

Method 1: Use the device name directly#

/dev/sdc /home ext4 defaults 0 0

Method 2: Use the UUID of the disk#

Check the UUID of the disk


Mount using the UUID


Difference between the two methods:

If using the device name (/dev/sdc) to mount the partition, it is fixed. If the slot order of the disk changes, there may be a mismatch in the name because the name can change.

If using the UUID, each partition will have a UUID as a unique identifier after formatting. Using the UUID to mount will not cause any confusion.


In UUID=685942d1-3064-4c4d-ac2c-509cc43300ba /home ext4 defaults 0 0,

The fourth column defaults refers to the file system parameters.

DefaultsSet of default parameters including rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, async, etc.
Async/syncSet whether to run in synchronous mode, default is async
auto/noautoWhether the file system is actively mounted when the mount -a command is executed. Default is auto
rw/roWhether to mount in read-write or read-only mode
exec/noexecLimit whether "execute" operations are allowed within this file system
user/nouserWhether users are allowed to mount using the mount command
suid/nosuidWhether SUID is allowed
UsrquotaEnable disk quota mode for the file system
GrpquotaEnable group disk quota mode for the file system

The fifth column 0 refers to whether it can be affected by the dump backup command.

Dump is a command used for backup. Usually, the value of this parameter is 0 or 1.

0Do not perform dump backup
1Perform dump operation every day
2Perform dump operation on an irregular basis after level 1 is completed

The sixth column 0 refers to whether sector checking is enabled.

During the boot process, the system will check if our system is intact (clean) by default.

0Do not check
1Check at the earliest (usually selected for the root directory)
2Check after level 1 check is completed

Save and execute

sudo mount -a

7) Check the disk status#


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